OK, I am going to try posting on this thing. First I will do that silly tag game.
Here are the rules of the game- Enjoy!
• Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
• Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, as we all want to know them.
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
• Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 random or weird facts
1. I really hate to answer these silly "things about you" e-mails and blogs, and I rarely do them!
2. I grew up in a home without indoor bathrooms, yes I really did!
3. I have eaten chocolate covered grasshoppers and ants.
4. I have delivered a baby! I was a student nurse and the lady in the room that my patient was in
starting screaming for help and no one was helping her, so I washed my hands, went to her bed, caught the baby as it was coming out, held it upside down and got it to scream. By the time the nurses and doctors came, I was standing there holding the baby upside down. Of course, I did not get paid for that! (I wonder who did?)
5. I can predict the weather. My legs ache when it is going to rain or when there is going to be a weather change. My children have been known to consult me instead of the weatherman because I am more reliable.
6. I am the duct tape queen. I can fix about anything with a good role of duct tape. One year at girl's camp, they were supposed to sew these little bags. My girls did not want to sew so instead we duct taped our bags. The girls loved it, but the stake camp leader was not too happy!
7. I have a great fear of going underwater. I almost drowned when I was a young one and I do not know how to swim.
As for tagging seven people, I do not know seven people to tag and since I hate doing these things, it would not be very nice of me to tag a friend!