Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Conference Cold

This weekend was conference weekend. That means that we had two, two hour sessions of meetings on Saturday and Sunday, broadcast from Salt Lake City. In years past, these days were rather painful. We learned early in our young parenting life that 4 sessions was too much for little children. We would try taking them outside between sessions, going to visit relatives between sessions, and taking food to church between sessions. We decided that to get anything at all out of the sessions, we would pick the ones we would take all the children to and rotate going. That worked pretty well. Then came the age when we could listen on the internet, and we would all gather in uncomfortable positions around the computer. However, we did get the sessions in. This weekend, I woke up with a terrible head cold. My nose won't stop running, I can't stop sneezing, I'm cold and hot every other minute and I feel pretty lousy. But, since it is now the age of watching conference from home, I was able to sit in my comfy recliner, with my blanket and hanky, and watch and listen! It was great. I really enjoyed conference weekend! And, what made it even better was that Alex and Terra's family joined me for every session. During one session, Jacob joined me on my chair and fell right off to sleep. During another session, Katy joined me and snuggled and listened and even asked a question about one of the stories. It was so different than the days of old. I really needed to stay home this weekend but I would have been plagued with guilt for missing them. Thank goodness for modern technology!


Terra said...

I can agree to that. I don't think we'd make it to many if we had to drag them all to church

Susan said...

Well, the cold seemed to have perfect time. keep warm, drink fluids and rest. Call me in the morning.

Lisa said...

I hope you feel better now!

Amy Franklin said...

Isn't it fun to watch as a family? We watch the Sat. sessions at our house and the Sunday sessions @ Phil and Betty's. The kids love hanging out with cousins, and it is nice to stay comfy! Hope you are feeling better!!

Robin said...

Hi Joan ... I found your blog from Susans!!! I totally agree. It is so peaceful to view Conference from home. It is sweet isn't it. And... it was good to see your smiling face in Stk Conf up there singing away!
I am glad you are my friend!