Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Spirit

Today in choir, we practiced for the Christmas program. We sang some of my favorite songs. As we sang one of the songs, I pictured us singing it at Christmas and I saw my family in the audience with my son who will be here from BYU. I actually had tears in my eyes. Now, keep in mind that I had very little sleep last night and that probably contributed to my weepiness, but I also think that I did feel that special spirit that Christmas, family, and carols bring. It is also cold outside with snowflakes falling. I have also been shopping since we will be exchanging gifts at Thanksgiving with those who will not be here at Christmas. So, I hate to admit it, but I believe that even though it is still early, I do have that Christmas spirit already. Why fight it? Just let that excitement come early and enjoy it longer. I will not overlook Thanksgiving. It is part of the Holiday, especially to me this year. We will have so much company that weekend that it will seem like Christmas. And of course, we have lots to be thankful for- so Happy Holidays!


Dustin and Tonya Ray Family said...

It is hard not to get into the spirit whenever you walk into Walmart and they are playing Christmas music with Christmas Decor. I have to admit.. I have been bitten by the Christmas bug already too.

Natalie Buchkovich said...

Me too!! We will miss seeing you over Christmas, but glad that we will spend Thanksgiving together!